Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

My Mother (5 years)

My Mother
A poem by Dr. Andaleeb Fatima Rizvi

Oh! My Mother where are you
Nothing to say, but I love you, Mother

When the discussion are made by others
Nothing to say, but I miss you, Mother

When I am in trouble and look around
Nothing to say, but I need you, Mother

When in the hospital, I serve the ohers
Nothing to say, but I care about you, Mother

You are my mother
Nothing to say, but I am proud of you, Mother

In my all prayer, you are always there
Nothing to say, but I feel you, Mother

May GOD give you place in the Heaven
Nothing to say, but I pray for you, Mother

Oh! My Mother where are you
Nothing to say, but I love you, Mother

Gk akan pernah lupa dan moga selalu mendapat tempat yang terbaik di sisiNya.Amin....

I love you so much....
I realy.3x miss you....

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